
Showing posts from July, 2020

Final Post #14!

Write Post 14 in response to what 2 of your colleagues have learned this term. Use quotes from their posts and provide links. Explore how their learning was different from or similar to your own. Here are my comments on what two of my fellow eng1101 students have learned this term:) Firstly, I have really enjoyed reading Tiffany's blog posts this semester and I particularly appreciated how she mentioned that becoming competent with MLA formatting has ben the hardest thing to learn this summer semester. I am completely on the same page when she mentions that " MLA and the works cited portion was the biggest obstacle for me". Totally agree that learning this was the most difficult! Not only is it difficult to find and source all of the reference information, but like math class, there is an exact right and wrong answer, making it much more difficult to get correct. Im glad that we have learned this critical skill this semester, and that we can now use that skill in future

Lucky Post 13: What I have learned this term

There are many things that I have learned during the past 6 weeks.  Along our learning journey, we tend to move on without thought after each new obstacle of ignorance has been successfully overcome, and we then take that knowledge for granted. This is why I am grateful for the chance to reflect on the new knowledge and skills I have now developed over this past month and a half.  Now that I think about it, there are so many new things I have learned, and here is my best effort to briefly state which have been the most significant things I have learned along this journey.  Personal: 1. How to manage a large workload and can make it work from home.  2. That using a physical calendar is great when going into a new and demanding school schedule.  3. That if you are organised, the average time taken to get your work done can be cut in half.  English: 1. That there are gaps in my knowledge of modern english, especially including MLA.  2. Where to look in order to find great references.  3.

Post 12: Trump... an Ad-Hominem veteran

I usually try to avoid political talk, since its proven to effectively divide and polarise people, and has caused numerous fights among my friends and family. So nice.  But on the other hand it really is a great way to rev up the conversation... So here we go:) If you want to find great illogical arguments by politicians, look no further than the platform war zone that facilitates only the best in comedic political rivalry. Twitter.  Here's a classic. In english you would call this an  Ad-hominem. Latin for “to the man.” This is done when someone focuses their critique on a person’s appearance, character, way of speaking, etc, instead of refuting their ideas or opinions. Im not sure if you know this guy but he specialises in ad-hominem's and typically fires them at reporters and political opponents.  Trump could avoid this logical fallacy if he focused more on addressing the opposing ideas or opinions clearly. Or just by not speaking at all. If your in the mood for a good lol,

iPost 11: The phone app I use to communicate and why it works so well

How do platforms phone softwares allow me to identify the contexts and communicate effectively? Well firstly on my iPhone iMessages, the user experience & user interface (UX/UI) is fantastic in the way that intuitively guides me and establishes the context of my conversations. It clearly displays whom the conversations are with, and the communication history with each person as well. I am able to firstly select whom I want to talk to from the manipulatable list of contacts, and when I select someone I can see our entire text and call history which is consistent and intuitive.  Friend: wud lmk Me: ? Friend: smh Maybe I'm just a bit slow? But I still don't know what this guy was on about, lol. But to get to the point, the user experience is super easy and intuitive and provides a great medium for communication with my contacts. A great job done by the developers.  Not only is this basic interface great, but iMessages compiles a large range of communication methods if you so c

iPost X: Organizing my Academic Documents

As I said in Post 7 my two favourite strategies for putting together a great piece of writing are: 1. Firstly, to throw isht at the wall and see what sticks, a few times. 2. And then use that to create an essay outline to guide my writing further. As always I used these primary strategies in putting together my Doc2 and once again they worked wonderfully. My final outline looks something like this... Intro - Why you should major in business. P1 - U nlike many other majors, it will equip you with a range of useful knowledge and skills far more likely to equate to ultimate success in the real world. P2 - It w ill allow you to foster a quality network of ambitious business people, which is likely to be your greatest asset on your journey to success. Conclusion - Summarise main points with strong ending statement. Simple but effective right? I never would have thought about these points in the simple structure that they found themselves in. But I did it, and all because I followed my 2 ma

Post 9: MLA... 8? (Mind Blown)

As I made very clear in my previous post  I am not exactly an MLA expert and far from it. But through sheer tenacity, I am slowly figuring it out. Here is my top MLA pet peev - which 100% would have made my long list of first-world problems. There is more than one MLA!  :/ Just so everyone understands, I want to firstly explain that I have never used MLA before.  And it was only after I got an initial grade of "F" on my Doc1, that not only is MLA a b**** but also that there are MULTIPLE VERSIONS of the thing! Im not sure how it got passed me but I eventually figured out that we are using MLA8 and MLA8 ONLY, which is the latest version of it.  All those hours of researching MLA, putting notes together and revising them every night before bed (slightly exaggerated) all so that I could eventually realise that those youtube videos were  outdated... ugh. So now that I know we are using MLA 8, I will say that my favourite help source on MLA 8 is this video right here that Prof. Ha