Final Post #14!

Write Post 14 in response to what 2 of your colleagues have learned this term. Use quotes from their posts and provide links. Explore how their learning was different from or similar to your own.

Here are my comments on what two of my fellow eng1101 students have learned this term:)

Firstly, I have really enjoyed reading Tiffany's blog posts this semester and I particularly appreciated how she mentioned that becoming competent with MLA formatting has ben the hardest thing to learn this summer semester. I am completely on the same page when she mentions that "MLA and the works cited portion was the biggest obstacle for me". Totally agree that learning this was the most difficult! Not only is it difficult to find and source all of the reference information, but like math class, there is an exact right and wrong answer, making it much more difficult to get correct. Im glad that we have learned this critical skill this semester, and that we can now use that skill in future courses!

Secondly, I also liked R.McKenzie's post where he mentions that the "One thing I got out of this class is practice". Which I agree on! I cant quite relate when he says "I realised I haven't written an essay or letter or anything larger than an email or text in, dare I say, decades" but I really can relate to the fact that we got some really good practical practice in this term! I also liked when he said that it was "just about writing" as I would agree that I learn best when we have a certain level of freedom when writing in this class which has helped me acquire the practice that I need, instead being awfully "fearful that we were going to have to conjugate verbs and do drills on proper English rules and such."


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