iPost 11: The phone app I use to communicate and why it works so well

How do platforms phone softwares allow me to identify the contexts and communicate effectively?

Well firstly on my iPhone iMessages, the user experience & user interface (UX/UI) is fantastic in the way that intuitively guides me and establishes the context of my conversations. It clearly displays whom the conversations are with, and the communication history with each person as well. I am able to firstly select whom I want to talk to from the manipulatable list of contacts, and when I select someone I can see our entire text and call history which is consistent and intuitive. 

Friend: wud lmk

Me: ?

Friend: smh

Maybe I'm just a bit slow? But I still don't know what this guy was on about, lol.

But to get to the point, the user experience is super easy and intuitive and provides a great medium for communication with my contacts. A great job done by the developers. 

Not only is this basic interface great, but iMessages compiles a large range of communication methods if you so choose, including cellular texts and calls, internet text and calls, and even other communication apps such as snapchat calls, etc. A great way to centre all of your calling and texting!

And if you are one of those people and want to be different from others, you can also choose dark mode or even customise the colours of conversations in some applications. This helps you have fun with your communication as well as help separate different conversations and people clearly. 

All in all, iMessages is a great way to communicate and comes highly recommended by me!

All the best!



  1. the way that technology is built is quite fascinating when you actually think about it, through texting and view messages .


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